Monday, June 25, 2007

Have u Ever - Love Sucks!!!!!!!!!!

Anytime somebody wants to philosophize and quantize love, their search usually ends in a haze of ambiguity, a smokescreen of vagueness, a lesson in the immeasurable.

I think I have truly loved twice in my life. Yeah sure, I should be glad, because some people hardly enjoy the experience once in a lifetime. But I can safely say each time was just as lousy as the other. I'm not a pessimist by nature, but truly, love has had me down on my knees at my wits ends more times than I can count and yet the human instinct still pushes me to keep searching for it. This doesn't make any sense to me. Just like they teach in biology, if you burn your hand on the stove, next time you will know not to put your hand on the stove. A learned reflex so to speak. Why can't love be the same way? You burn yourself in a failed relationship, surely you should acquire the skills needed to avoided getting burnt again. But not so with love, irrationally that which continually causes us pain is the very same thing we seek continuously. Makes no sense at all.

Have you ever loved someone that didn't love you? Have you ever tried to force something that just didn't or wasn't gna work? And yet you just made yourself dizzy just trying and trying to no avail. Have you ever loved someone so arrogant, so selfish, so self involved that you wondered if they even considered you existence in the whole equation? Have you ever felt the "butterfly effect" where it feels like a million of them are swimming in your stomach because he is nearby, or your heart starts racing just from seeing him smile? Have you ever just wanted to spend the rest of your life with him, but realized that it was never going to happen and that you would probably have a better life on your own? Have you ever just felt like giving up on it all?


Tu said...

i just tagged you, check my blog

Anonymous said...

I have. Your blog has captured exactly where I was a week ago. Then I just... let go. I prayed for strength so that I would never waste my love on a selfish little cretin that didn't deserve it and reclaim my queendom. You're a queen. The next guy should be grateful that you choose to give him your number, let alone your heart.